I’m leaving here a curated compilation of interesting links where you will find information that is not very well known. There are pull requests, issues, commits, examples, posts, videos and more about Rails 4.
I’m also giving a shout out asking for improvements to this compilation. If you find something is missing or you have suggestions to make let me know by commenting in this post.
The Rails Guides are not always enough. When you don’t find something in the guides or docs, you probably search for information on the internet or a blog post about the specific subject. But wouldn’t it be better if you had all the related information together? This could also be a great starting point for a new Rails guide.
So, I encourage everyone to help compiling more material about each new section of Rails 4 and then, by looking at all this compilation, start guides about specific topics. You can do that by directly pushing to docrails, which has public access for everyone to push documentation changes only.
- Ruby on Rails Guides: Rails 4.0 Release Notes
- Rails 4 in 30’
- Why should I care about Rails 4
- Rails 4 and the Future of Web
- Rails 4 Whirlwind Tour
- BostonRB: what to expect in Rails 4.0
- Rails 4 Countdown to 2013
- Ruby 1.9.3
- New deprecation policy
- vendor/plugins has gone
- Moved to a plugin
- Hash-based & Dynamic finder methods
- Mass assignment in AR models
- ActiveRecord::SessionStore
- ActiveResource
- Action Caching
- Page Caching
- Page and Action Caching
- New default test locations
- Observers
Active Support
- Queue API (NOTE: This was reverted and will be included in Rails 4.1)
- Notifiers start & finish
- Dalli replaces memcache-client
Action Mailer
- Asynchronous Mailer (NOTE: This was reverted and will be included in Rails 4.1)
Active Model
- ActiveModel::Model
- ActiveModel Validator
Action Pack
- ActionController::Live
- Strong parameters
- Turbolinks
- Russian Doll Caching
- Cache Digests
- Declarative ETags
- Decouple Action Pack and Action View
- Asset Pipelining
- Replace memcache-client with dalli
- Routing Concerns
- PATCH verb
- Rename all action callbacks from *_filter to *_action
- Helpers
- Render default index page
- Register your flash types
- New exceptions pages for development
Active Record
- What’s new
- MySQL strict mode by default
- PostgreSQL support
- Support for array datatype in PostgreSQL
- Support for MACADDR, INET, CIDR datatypes in PostgreSQL
- Support for specifying transaction isolation level
- Schema cache dump
- ActiveRecord::Relation bang methods
- ActiveRecord::Base.all returns a Relation
- Relation#find_or_create_by and friends
- CollectionProxy#scope
- Support for partial inserts
- Relation.where with no args can be chained with not
- Add metadata to schema_migrations table
- Rename update_attributes method to update, keep update_attributes as an alias
- Threadsafe on by default
- Binstubs
- Add —no-html to scaffold generator
- Rails commands
- Default headers
- match doesn’t catch all
- Set escaping HTML in JSON encoding to true by default
- Add ActiveSupport::KeyGenerator as a simple wrapper around PBKDF2
- Encrypted Cookies + Sign using Derived Keys
Please send me more information about Rails 4 if you find that I’m missing something in this post.
P.D.: Thanks to Nikolay Petrachkov who gave me a starting point for building this list and to Guillermo Iguaran who contributed reviewing and sharing some links too.